Diagnostic Imaging
Radiology Services
Hours of Operation
Regular Hours: the department is open from 08:30 -17:00 (Monday to Friday).
Closing time: department doors close at 16:45 each day to finish off the day and to avoid patients arriving for routine x-rays at 16:55 (a common occurrence).
Emergent x-ray requests will continue to be accommodated. This action will help decrease the amount of overtime currently being paid out.
On call: X-Ray and Ultrasound services are provided on call for emergencies only outside of regular working hours.

Holter Monitor
Event Recorder Services
Please note, all services except Ultrasound and CT are walk-in.
All Ultrasound and CT requests, along with a contact telephone number, are to be submitted for an appointment time.
Please consult with the Ultrasonographer for urgent ultrasounds, the CT technologist for urgent CT’s and these will be accommodated as soon as possible.
Please do not send patients directly to this department for an immediate ultrasound or CT and do not tell patients at night to come in first thing in the morning for their ultrasound, without first consulting with the Ultrasonographer. Most sltrasounds require prior preparation, and the days are routinely booked up.
We require all appropriate information to be entered on every order, including a relevant history and reason for examination. This is important and required by both the technologist performing the study, and the radiologist who will be reading the study.

X-Rays, CT’s and Ultrasounds are sent to Ottawa for a formal reading by the Radiologist. This occurs through our PACS system, and all images are sent as soon as images are completed and reviewed by the technologist.
Digital images will be available for immediate viewing on a PACS workstation as well as Meditech.
Official transcribed reports from the Radiologists are available for viewing on Meditech and PACS (Routine studies-up to 4 days, Urgent studies-within 24 hours, Stat studies- within 4 hours).
You can also contact the Radiologists directly for a verbal report if necessary.
X-Ray films from the communities are sent directly to the DI department here. Patient information is registered, and requisition is entered into Medi-tech. These films are then digitized and sent through PACS to Ottawa to be read. A transcribed report is available in Medi- tech and a copy of the report is also faxed to the corresponding community.
The ultrasound exams performed at the Qikiqtani General Hospital are:
Abdomen - ABD (Abdomen 3 or more organs) - Liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, aorta, gallbladder, common bile duct
Limited Abdomen - ABDL (Abdomen 1 or 2 organs) - ?appendicitis or F.A.S.T ultrasound or f/u of specific organs w/in 6 months of a complete abdominal ultrasound
Abdominal Wall
Pelvis - Female – Uterus, endometrium, ovaries, bladder, adnexa
Male – Prostate, bladder, lower quadrants
Obstetrical – OBSC – complete anatomy study, ideally performed between 18-20 weeks
OBSE – first trimester scan (not routinely done)
OBSL – 2nd or 3rd trimester scan for reasons other than a routine anatomy study
OBSM – a pregnancy at any gestation known to be a multiple
Neck – structures in the neck, excluding a focus on thyroid. Salivary glands, nodes, etc.
Venous Leg Doppler
Please note that there is no walk-in ultrasound service. Once a requisition is received an appointment is booked, and the patient will be contacted.
Wait times:
Non-urgent exams are booked into the next available appointment time, and are generally done within a few weeks of receiving the requisition. This can vary, depending on many factors. If the exam is considered urgent, the ordering physician should clearly indicate that fact on the requisition and contact the ultrasound department to make them aware. Urgent requests will be completed as soon as possible.
After-hours/Weekend Ultrasound Coverage: There is a technologist on call outside of regular hospital hours. Technologists should only be contacted for truly emergent cases.
Routine 1st trimester ultrasounds are not routinely done NOT ROUTINELY DONE. A 1st trimester scan should only be ordered when the patient is completely unsure of her LMP (a general range is fine), considering a TA, or there is a clinical indication for which an ultrasound will determine the management.
Routine anatomy scans are performed ideally between 18-20 weeks gestational age. If the patient has a high BMI, please note this in the order so that the scan can be arranged for a more appropriate time.
Baby head, sacral dimples, spines, and hip ultrasounds are not done in Iqaluit. If necessary, the patient should be referred to Ottawa to have these procedures done.
Shoulder/Rotator Cuff Ultrasound
Shoulder ultrasounds are only performed when the radiologist is in Iqaluit (usually 3 times a year). Any requests for shoulder ultrasounds are kept on file and then booked when the next radiology visit is scheduled.
Urgent cases should be referred to Ottawa for assessment.
CT Cardiography
CT Enterography
Callback Guidelines
Diagnostic imaging staff do not get a compensatory day off in lieu of being on stand-by and they are expected to be back at work for their next shift. These guidelines are an attempt to help prevent burnout of our staff
Diagnostic Imaging staff are to be called in after-hours only if:
It is a true emergency (life-threatening emergency)
The x-ray, ultrasound or CT would change the management of the patient
The doctor requests the study.
Staff are not to be called in for routine xrays, ultrasounds or CT’s that can wait until the next regular day of service.
Diagnostic imaging staff are on standby to provide emergency services only on days off.
Please note, add-ons are not permitted for emergency services and call backs.